Libre (Open Source) software showcase
The following presentation was given in Empresarios Agrupados Internacional on the `2023-06-06 as part of the voluntary training program. The presentation lasted for two hours. It was designed for the needs and characteristics of the company, however, it also covers the needs of most people in this field, regardless of the engineering speciallity. I also added a final section with general software (image, video, audio, etc) creation and manipulation as a showcase of the strengh of libre software in general.
The slides were originally written in Spanish using M$ PowerPoint. Then they were translated to English using LibreOffice and it had the propietary bits (fonts) taken out. The PDF linked here is the one created by LibreOffice.
The license of the presentation is CC-4.0 BY SA. Which allows anybody to share it without restriction and commercialise it. However, you have to keep it open under the same license, which is what the SA (Share Alike) part indicates.
Design of the slides
The slides were created to be used as a catalog. The information shown is ordered by topic, which allows the readers to download a copy and go to the section that is of interest to each one.
In order to help the reader to see and evaluate the software that is presented, plenty of links have been included, so that a single click will take the readers to relevant pages and information. All images have links! Plus there are plenty more in the text!
Finally, I must say that the software included in the slides is limited and it does not show the complete picture of the ecosystem. There are many more cool and useful tools out there! So please, search for them and use the slides as a general guide, not as a detailed encyclopedia. I must also say that the software shown was picked by me, the author, therefore some choices may be biased.
Both versions, the Spanish and the English translation, are available in the following links.
English: Libre engineering software and a bit more
Español: Software libre para la ingeniería y un poco más
Es gibt es ein abgekürztes Version, das für mein Deutschesunterricht gemacht wurde. Man kann es hier finden. Es wurde mit Sli.dev geschrieben. Und, als kleines Trivia, dieser Vortrag war mein erster mit wem, ich, die so genannte “Web Technologies”, benutztete!
The native files (.pptx
and .odp
) are available upon request.
Please, use the email in the About page to contact me. Thank you!
A ton of effort has gone into these slides. So sharing them would be very welcomed. Also, if you spot any errors, mistakes or deficiencies, please, let me know!
A special thanks goes to the user Babeler from the Matrix federated communications platform for thoroughly reviewing the English translation and helping me!